
Our web-case focuses on urban planning in Worcester, MA. We hope to further your and our understanding on the impact of urban planning on community and sustainability. We want to call attention to the areas of the city that are being left out of the conversation and not offered a seat at the table. Urban planning strategies need to mitigate gentrification, and with Worcester having a poverty rate of about 19.5%1 and roughly 40%1 of the community being people of color, this is an increasingly important conversation. We want to understand how the city is using urban planning to truly bring about a change that is inclusive, creates a resilient city, and is diverse. Not only is it important to call attention to areas that need further improvement and development, but we must also recognize the actions the city has put in place to create a greener city that is rooted in the community. The city is focusing on clean energy, green infrastructure, public transportation, and overall reduction of greenhouse emissions. The city also has put a focus on reducing climate change hazards like flooding, ice/snowstorms coupled with extreme cold and extreme heat coupled with drought, and educating the public about what to do with waste collection during such times and how to properly dispose of waste. Understanding how these actions impact the city, the people, and the environment will help to create a more sustainable and equitable city for all to thrive in and can be used as a roadmap for more sustainable cities everywhere. Just sustainability is a focus point for urban planning, this means looking at how it improves the conditions of our life and well-being, meeting the needs of current and future generations, justice and equity, and living within the limits of the ecosystem.


Join us as we explore what makes a sustainable city and what we can do within our own communities to create them.

1 census.gov